文章英文名稱:Implications and Lessons of Seoul's Urban Planning Transformations
作者中文名:薛原 陸巍 陳圓圓
作者英文名:XUE Yuan;LU Wei;CHEN Yuanyuan
《2030首爾城市基本規劃》(后文簡稱:2030 首爾規劃)是韓國首爾政府在面對社會轉型、經濟放緩、執政理念轉變等一系列趨勢與挑戰下,為提升首爾國際競爭力與人民生活水平的中長期戰略部署與城市規劃實踐。本文對2030 首爾規劃及其社會經濟背景進行解析,說明首爾規劃向“全面公眾參與型規劃”和“戰略性規劃”轉型的內在邏輯與實施效果,總結其在編制方法、內容組織、表達形式、實施機制等方面的創新經驗,進而提出該規劃對上海及我國其他處于轉型期的特大城市總體規劃編制方面的啟示與借鑒。
The 2030 Seoul Plan is the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s prior longterm urban plan to enhance international competitiveness of Seoul and citizens’ quality of the lives , facing the challenges of social transformation, economic slowdown and the change of governance ideas. The content and planning procedure of 2030 Seoul Plan and its social and economic background are reviewed here. The realization of “first citizen participation-type basic urban planning” and the turning from conventional comprehensive planning to strategic plan are analyzed. Then some inspiration of this plan are proposed as guidance for China’s Metropolitan Master Planning practice in transition period.
英文關鍵詞:master planning, Seoul, public participation
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