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    1. 1998-2015 年我國城市化理論研究演進的特征與趨勢—基于CiteSpace 的文本計量分析


      文章中文名稱:1998-2015 年我國城市化理論研究演進的特征與趨勢--基于CiteSpace 的文本計量分析
      Evolution and Characteristics of Urbanization Theory Study in China from 1998 to 2015——Textual Analysis Based on CiteSpace
      作者中文名:王偉 王瑛 凌鏝金 李姍姍
      WANG Wei;WANG Ying;LING Manjin;LI Shanshan




      城市化是一個國家或地區從農業為主的鄉村型社會、景觀、文化向工業和服務業等非農產業為主的現代城市型社會、景觀、文化轉變的歷史過程。我國“八五”計劃中出現“城市化”概念,提出有計劃地推進我國城市化進程,隨后城市化研究成為我國學者重點研究的領域。本文基于文本計量的研究方法,借CiteSpace 軟件進行可視化分析、構建知識圖譜,梳理我國1998-2015 年間城市化文獻的脈絡,刻畫、解析、歸納我國城市化研究的知識結構和研究熱點,評價城市化研究中所取得的成就,討論城市化研究關注的領域以及所需要注意的問題,并結合國內政策及國外研究情況預測未來的城市化研究趨勢。


      Urbanization is a historical process of the transformation from a rural society dominated by agriculture to a modern urban society dominated by non-agricultural industry, which also transform the landscape and culture. China’s eighth five-year plan brought up the "urbanization" conception, and proposed to promote the process of urbanization in China as planned, after which urbanization has become scholars, focus

      in China. Based on the text measurement method, the knowledge map is comstructed with the CiteSpace software to sort out the context of urbanization literature in China from 1998 to 2015, and describe, analyzes and summarizes the knowledge structure and hotspots of urbanization research in China. Besides, this paper evaluates the achievements in urbanization research, discusses the concern in urbanization research and the issues that lack of attention, and combines the domestic policy and foreign research to predict future urbanization research trends.


      英文關鍵詞:urbanization,CiteSpace,visualization analysis,knowledge map


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